26/11/2024 Readded bunkers diary button

26/11/2024 Added new artworks

26/11/2024 Fixed portfolio

18/11/2024 removed characters species, realm , symbols

18/11/2024 removed characters from character list

18/11/2024 pechis profile fixed

18/11/2024 added bug fixes to the side bar for minilore mobile

08/11/2024 added bug fixes to the side bar

26/10/2024 Favicon added

26/10/2024 Non canon art removed

21/10/2024 Added counter

21/10/2024 Added rest of the remaining doodles posted on twittah

14/10/2024 Prepping for officials added in lore section

14/10/2024 Gave a color to the lore lettering

14/10/2024 Removed announcement log, not nessy due to annnouncemnts being in the index

14/10/2024 Added years to the gameboy list

14/10/2024 Fixed a bug on artwork img22 that the slider will go to 23

14/10/2024 Fixed rearrangement in portfolio

14/10/2024 fixed a bug that skulldiary appeared in the section side bar itself instead of being its own page

14/10/2024 looking to fix bugs for the round banner section

14/10/2024 Fixed a bug that balloons didnt show up in the realm,link,portfolio,symbol and species section

12/10/2024 fixed a bug that the sidebar links were not popuping up and lead to a malfunction in the side bar (again this is fixed now)

12/10/2024 fixed a bug that the sidebar was pushed in the story section

12/10/2024 Fixed a bug of the realm names being stabled instead of being a 1 line

12/10/2024 Fixed a bug that balloons didnt show up in the rule and report section

12/10/2024 Added norree to the link list

12/10/2024 Fixed reported bugs

10/10/2024 2k followers will be a new promised Illustration

10/10/2024 -All character worlds have been changed and have been reorderd

10/10/2024 - Its thursday im updating the site now currently, curiouscat is down and retrosspring is going down next year i rn have wave box

10/10/2024 - I quit the internet- please read bunkers diary for that






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